Considered the leader in its food space with over 24+ million web pageviews a year, it is a recognized leader as one of the top food websites in the US. This business has multiple streams of revenue including over 15k paid yearly memberships, affiliation fees with multiple vendors including, display advertising, royalties, meetings, and newly released informational products. The company has several projects underway that will be additional revenue streams beginning next year.
The website is known in its industry to be a leading resource for information and proactively contacts through email and multiple newsletters with over 100k subscribers. The business is also active on social media with over 150k followers between Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The owner has appeared on national TV shows, radio networks, podcasts, etc. All of the marketing efforts are used to drive traffic to the website.
The owner is a recognized expert in the category and is selling for succession plan reasons. They definitely prefer and want to remain with the company on the other side of the fence to help with the transition and to continue to promote the brand. Exact terms to be negotiated. Included with the sale is a meaningful non-compete and non-solicitation agreement.
This is structured as an asset sale and is neither an offer nor a solicitation to sell securities. Call Doug Scheiding at 210-348-8989 or email at for more information.